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Higher is a community-run brand. Higher is an experiment. Higher is a token. Higher is yours. Higher is no one’s. Higher is striving for greatness. Higher is definite optimism. Higher is having agency. Higher is authenticity. Higher is a lifestyle.

Higher is a community-run brand. Higher is an experiment. Higher is a token. Higher is yours. Higher is no one’s. Higher is striving for greatness. Higher is definite optimism. Higher is having agency. Higher is authenticity. Higher is a lifestyle.

higher poster

Aim Higher.

You carve your own path.
You know what you’re capable of.
You don’t want just 2% a year.
You don’t want the safe choice.
You want to leave a mark.
You want to create.
You want to beat records.
You want it all.

You know you can do it. We know it too.

It’s okay to want more.

Higher is a lifestyle.

Higher is for the artists, the athletes, the builders, the onchain fanatics. It's for all those aiming to do more, to think bigger, to leave their mark on the world.

Higher is an experiment in discovering a brand, together. It's yours, everyone's, no one's. You can add to it, remix it, destroy and rebuild it. It’s an open canvas for creativity.

Want in ?

Join us on Farcaster. Explore, share what Higher means to you, create something in your medium. Post it there!

Buy some of the token, to get some skin in the game. It was given to early community members and we use it as a way to reward each other for contributing to the project.

There is no team. You can make anything. Aim Higher.